I like to think we are all increasing our life-mastery. And that means we are becoming more courageous, more skilled, deeper, more aware, more generous.
But then there’s the phrase ‘outside your comfort zone’. Everyone’s comfort zone is of different size and shape. And to grow as an individual, and as a society, we need to grow our comfort zone too.
What was the last thing you did that increased the size of your comfort zone?
When I ask clients what scenarios are a bit scary for them, I often find that those who say ‘none’ are really only considering those inside their comfort zone.
They have come to believe that they should keep their comfort zone small and manageable.
All other opportunities are not in the consideration set anyway.
Growing and enjoying life-mastery is surely about continuing to work on growing that comfort zone. And you’ll find that as you keep stretching outside of it, so it grows to encompass the last challenge so that it now falls inside your enlarged comfort zone.
Such is exploration, discovery and growth.