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Team Stagnation

Empowering your team is an essential leadership skill. But as perfectionists are often poor and reluctant delegators, their teams are rarely given the stretch and sense of autonomy and mastery that they need to develop and be motivated at work.

When the team is not given true responsibility and challenge, they become institutionalised – feeling they are working on the boss’s work rather than being responsible for their own.

So if you think you’re teaching your team the highest levels of performance and delivery, just ensure you’re giving them ownership and autonomy to match their mastery.

Or low engagement can cause high churn rates.

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Sara Garcia

I’m a women’s leadership coach working with mid/senior professionals to help them develop the skills and mindsets they need to create the professional life they want.

I use proven psychological and business techniques to empower women, help them overcome challenges, grab opportunity and thrive.