The first step in self-leadership is self-awareness so you can become familiar with those negative self-beliefs and turn them around.
Which one do you hear in your head most often?
If that sounds arduous or depressing, it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t matter how you get there, so long as you start to become aware of the beliefs that hold you back.
So yes you could lay on a psychiatrist’s couch…..
Or you could play Negative Self-Belief Bingo and see how high you can score.
You read that right- how HIGH. Because we all have these and we want to uncover every single one.
Think of these as bugs in a system. You want to celebrate when you catch each one.
So every time you hear your ‘fear’ voice saying one of these statements to put you off stepping up to an opportunity, you mark it off.
The more you tick off, the more aware you are.
Feel free to personalise this with the statements that most often dissuade you from stepping up – these are the most common ones but there are so many more!
Use this game to remove judgement. Don’t be hard on yourself for having these beliefs.
Following posts will help you deal with these beliefs when you have identified them. Good luck!