With the right perspective, life’s one big adventure. There are goals (things you want to do or experience) and challenges to overcome in reaching them.
This week we start to unpack the Achievement Accelerator Toolkit – everything we know about how to reach a goal. But before I begin, can I remind you about the Women’s Accelerator Program? If there’s something you’d like to achieve let’s get it done together. What would make your work more exciting, less stressful, more rewarding? Let’s do it together. The program stats show that 90% of people reach their goals. Its so great time to book your spot. Earlybird prices apply so it’s great value.
Achieve your 12 month goal in 12 weeks
The Achievement Accelerator Toolkit

A couple of weeks ago I introduced you to the Achievement Accelerator Toolkit.
This is the bringing together of everything we know that can help you achieve a goal or ambition. Some are internal, some external and some are about how you structure your progress. There are those you need to kick off, others you need to build your progress and others you need to maintain it till you reach your goal.
As with every journey, start off with the right mindset and you increase your chances of success.
The Challenge Mindset
The three components of the Challenge Mindset will set you up for success. Without any of the 3 you’re going to find you get lost pretty quickly.
See below as to what each actually means and why we need it so badly.

You might expect to see Confidence as one of the three, but if you’re waiting to feel confident before you do something, you’ll be waiting a long time because waiting, even researching and planning, doesn’t increase confidence.
Confidence happens AFTER you do something, not before. (Aha moment!). What you need instead is Courage – which is a mixture of increasing self-belief and reducing fear. And there are hacks for this. If you’re not sure what they are or how to use them, come along to my Back Yourself Mini-Masterclass. Register here
I’m all for exploring but if you want to achieve something or get somewhere it stands to reason that you need to be precise about what that is. Over the years it’s become clear to me that if we want to get the most from our one precious life, we need to use it consciously.
Not only can we not plan if we don’t have clarity, it also stops us from being able to use tools like NLP to help us get there. Using NLP visualisation is a great way to train your subconscious to support you. It’s one of the tools we use in the Women’s Accelerator Program.
Of all three, this is the most valuable and the most difficult. It involves deciding. The suffix -cide refers to killing, which means that by deciding we are killing off all other options. We are 100% all-in. Once you’ve got to this point, it becomes easier -you know what to prioritise and you’re happy to be focused on this one thing.
Sometimes fear of failure, or fear of success prevent us from committing. If so, it’s time to address those. Again, we use hacks for this is in the program.
Achieve your 12 month goal in 12 weeks
1) Stop putting it off Can you imagine achieving your goal and wishing you’d not done it so soon? Of course not! If you could benefit from it now, if it would make you happy now, why not get it done so you can enjoy the rewards sooner. Everything else is excuses. You know this!
2) One step at a time There’s nothing wrong with aiming for a medium/long term goal, but often short term goals are easier to achieve. So why not set a (clear) short-term goal you know will help you in the long-run. It’s definitely better than stagnating because your goal is too big. If you want some help with goal-setting, then join my program.
3) Check out my Women’s Accelerator Program Seriously, take a look (click box above). Women are achieving such great results and with so little effort it’s a no-brainer. If you want to do something but need some support, and a few new skills then jump right in and start enjoying the results immediately. It’s much easier than you think and more fun too.