How’s your week going? Run off your feet? But you’ll be clear in a couple of weeks, right? How many times have I said that? ! It always looks possible a few weeks out but chasing that gap in your calendar is like chasing a rainbow.
If you’re going to pursue that ambition, you need to find a way to do it while you’re busy.
Is there some skill you have that others wish they had? Do you draw or write or cook well? Do you play an instrument or a sport quite well? I’ll bet sometime in your life someone has said ‘oh you’re so lucky, I wish I was good at that!’
It’s meant as a complement but it’s annoying isn’t it? You put hours into that skill and that’s why you do well at it. If you learnt it as a child your parents probably scheduled lessons into your week. If you learnt it as an adult you had to do that for yourself.
Process is the next step in the challenge accelerator. If you leave your goal to chance, no matter how much you want it, it’s unlikely to happen.
And this is where your To-Do list can let you down. Your To-Do list is not dependent on how much time you have to do things, it just lists your tasks.
A To-Do List is a Wish list not a Process list

It’s process, not a to-do list, that turns goals into behaviours and makes them happen.
Like good project management, it’s only when we list out time and resource the steps that we know what’s really involved and how long/what tools we need for each step.
However good your vision board, hoping won’t make it happen! If you’re serious about it, plan it!
And if you could do with some additional hacks, inspiration or support, you can book a call with me here
1) Set your Milestones Decide on weekly or monthly milestones. Then decide the steps you need to achieve each one. If you need additional resources or time for each step, then, if necessary, add that to the process too.
2) Use a scheduler like Asana to plan the detail of your journey. You can create a Gantt chart so you know where your bottlenecks are likely to be and you can co-ordinate anyone else involved in the delivery of your goal.
3) Don’t stop if you miss a step – reschedule You’re human and your day is not completely under your control. From time to time, despite best intentions, you’ll not achieve something on time. Learn why and reschedule, ideally finding a way for whatever stole your time not to steal it again!