Even before my son was in primary school, I began teaching him about the values that we held as a family, and the behaviours that allowed us to embody those values in the world. Nothing grand, just human decency really.
I’d tell him stories of his grandfather and the choices he made and my son was aware that though we were a very small family, (just the two of us), we both had a responsibility to behave in a way that demonstrated our values and would reflect well on ourselves and each other.
As he had his grandfather’s name, I think he took the responsibility seriously and he has grown up to be a considerate and thoughtful young man.
I asked him recently on his 26th birthday, what advice he’d give to young people starting out in the world of work. Here replied, ‘Work hard. Be nice.’ And I think his grandfather would have agreed.
So this is his identity for now – a nice bloke who works hard. And his behaviour is not something he has to consider – it’s a natural outcome of who he believes he is.
None of us is perfect. Just like you, presumably, the Garcia’s screw up from time to time, but this identity has driven certain behaviours, first consciously then unconsciously.
Your identity drives your behaviours too.
Using Identity to Achieve Your Goal
Did you know the most powerful determinant of whether you exercise regularly or not is whether or not you regard yourself as a regular exerciser?
Let that just sink in for a minute.
That means that if you can create an identity for yourself that supports your behaviours, then you will have less struggle maintaining those behaviours.

So what sort of person do you need to be, to be the person that reliably carries out the actions and behaviours that will deliver your goal?
Can you create that identity for yourself?
If you could do with some additional guidance, hacks, inspiration or support, you can book a call with me here
- Identify the behaviours that if you do them consistently will get you to your goal
- Identify what sort of person you need to be – the type of person who will always do those behaviours. Eg I’m the sort of person who….’
- Use an NLP script to embed that identity in your subconscious
CLICK HERE to book an informal chat to discuss your journey and how I can help
Enjoy the progress …. and identifying and manifesting the person who will deliver your ambition.