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If You Need External Accountability, Get it!

Do you need external accountability to keep you honest? Do you set yourself deadlines and sail blithely over them? You’re not alone!

Are you great at meeting external committments but not so great on committments you make to yourself?

Surely we should take committments to ourselves as or even more seriously than committments to others.

But often we don’t. This is worth working on – particularly around self-worth and self-belief.

However, this series is about hacks -working out what works for you and using it to get results.

For many of us, external accountability is a powerful tool we can use. Find someone you can check in with to ensure you have completed your tasks at the end of the week.

There are plenty of people who’d like to strike up such a mutually supportive accountability relationship. There are even apps that pair people up for working sessions – so they have to turn up and work in each other’s presence.

So who will you use to be your accountability buddy? Make sure you get someone who can keep you honest and is not going to let you give in!

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Sara Garcia

I’m a women’s leadership coach working with mid/senior professionals to help them develop the skills and mindsets they need to create the professional life they want.

I use proven psychological and business techniques to empower women, help them overcome challenges, grab opportunity and thrive.