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Greater Skills Development Across The Company

Research shows that women leaders are more supportive of skills development – in themselves and also in others.

I wonder how much of this result is due to the prevalence of women in HR?

If it is, then we might assume that it could be the passion for skills/professional/personal development that can lead women into functions like HR.

I love the following quote supposedly from a discussion on training between a CFO and a CEO (though possibly apocryphal):

CFO: What if we train them and they leave?
CEO: What if we don’t and they stay?

A solid training plan and path to leadership is essential to minimise churn. And our clients want to deal with a company that’s offering the best from latest thinking.

You wouldn’t want to be treated by a GP who hadn’t updated their knowledge since 1990 would you?

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Sara Garcia

I’m a women’s leadership coach working with mid/senior professionals to help them develop the skills and mindsets they need to create the professional life they want.

I use proven psychological and business techniques to empower women, help them overcome challenges, grab opportunity and thrive.