It’s like an unquenchable thirst. Even when we do get our work to standards that exceed requirements, that feeling of satisfaction is fleeting.
That’s because the lack of satisfaction is not with the work but with ourselves. We don’t feel we’re good enough.
The first of 3 ways we can detect perfectionism in ourselves and others is the tendency to People Please.
This is not company-speak for being nice, it means you leave your self-worth in the hands of others.
If others are in charge of something as central to your mental health as your self-worth, you’re going to spend a lot of time trying to please them just to feel valuable.
Constant over-delivery is a sign of people-pleasing behaviour and along with this comes anxiety.
If we are not in charge of our own self-worth we can’t ever feel safe.
Are you a bit of a people pleaser? Do you look to others to make you feel valuable? If you don’t feel valued by others, do you assume you’re not valuable?