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Change Offers An Opportunity to Model Integrity

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Faced with changes we’d prefer not to have to adapt to, we often find we are dazed, confused and fearful. After all, we’re moving from the familiar to the unknown.

We’re often moving from what we are confident in, from a position of authority to become a newbie once more. The fear response is strong in these circumstances, leading some to fight against the change required in their role, others to leave their positions and others to just become paralysed.

It seems too overwhelming and too risky. What if we don’t succeed with these new tasks? How will our peers, team, bosses regard us? We were respected before, but what if we fail now?

In fact, this is exactly the time to demonstrate courageous leadership by modelling how to deal with the new and uncertain and with feelings of vulnerability. It’s not about getting everything but living the growth mindset and learning.

If influential team members don’t get on board with the changes and start to model them, the initiatives are destined to be sidelined and the company progress hampered.

What have you found to be helpful with moving people out of a ‘dazed’ state?

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Sara Garcia

I’m a women’s leadership coach working with mid/senior professionals to help them develop the skills and mindsets they need to create the professional life they want.

I use proven psychological and business techniques to empower women, help them overcome challenges, grab opportunity and thrive.