Is it your mother? Father? Teacher? A partner? A boss?
Are they telling you you’re unreliable? Or perhaps you’re not clever enough or won’t amount to much.
Where does the negative voice in your head come from?
Maybe it’s something they said once, long ago, but it’s something you’ve hung on to.
Just because someone says it, doesn’t mean it’s true. And even if it was true on one occasion doesn’t mean it represents you all the time. Even if it was true in the past, doesn’t mean it’s true now, or it has to be in the future.
You need to ask yourself, why are you walking around with that voice in your head?
It’s not useful, it’s not compassionate, it’s not nurturing, and it’s doing its best to stop you from moving forward.
If there’s something it’s reminding you to address, and you agree with it, then address it, but then throw the voice out. You don’t need a reminder when the job’s done.
Chances are it wasn’t true anyway. And it definitely wasn’t useful.
Blame and critical voices are not very helpful for self-development, so start to listen to them and if they are not supportive, don’t tolerate them.
It’s your head after all, and you decide what’s allowed inside!