There’s an ad here in Australia for the superannuation (pension) company MLC. In it, a lady observes her wonderful life today and wishes that it would just stay the same in the future.
Well as Carly Simon told us years ago,
Nothing Stays the Same.
Even if we are determined not to change, the world around us does and so our place in it and experience of it does too.
Our lives, our businesses, our relationships, are on an escalator. If we don’t work to improve them they will deteriorate because the escalator is going, as Status Quo would tell us, Down, Down.
If you run a business you’ll be aware if you’re not growing, you’re shrinking.
If you’re in a relationship, if you don’t feed it, it will perish.
And so it is with your leadership and your team. If you’re not moving forward in your organisation, you’re moving backwards.
Change is constant. We need to embrace it throughout our lives and work.
Our comfort zone needs to be increasing, our skills growing, our awareness deepening.
So it’s time to Break the Rules and start marching up that down escalator to get Whatever you Want.
Because there’s no Status Quo.