Here’s why that matters.
- We need a high level of confidence to create the behaviours that make us influential (and therefore effective)
- Women in particular need to feel confident before we apply for new roles
- Research says that confidence is at least as important as ability in securing opportunities.
The good news is that, as any elite athlete will testify, we can increase confidence with coaching and training. If there’s something holding you back – it doesn’t have to be a big deal to address it.
What we often don’t realise is that confidence comes AFTER we do something, not before. So if you’re waiting to feel more confident before doing something, you could be waiting a long time!
What we need beforehand is courage. And that’s about managing our fears and creating a self-identity that will propel us forward. These reduce the height of the barriers and enable us to progress more easily, with less anxiety.
Society, upbringing and circumstances (eg being away from the workforce for child-rearing) all contribute to our reduced self-confidence and self-esteem.
But we don’t have to play the hand we are dealt. We can decide to learn how to have the confidence we deserve and the opportunities which follow.