Everyone loves Labradors, right? Well most of the time…. They’re great when they exude the joy of life or when they just soak up love and give it right back. It’s contagious.
But what about when they shed hair over your black trousers, jump up on you with dirty paws when you’re headed out the door? They do get a bit excited, don’t they!
Let’s face it, those charming, bouncy, entertaining Labradors in our team, full of ideas, can be a liability. It’s hard to get them focussed. Everything’s so emotionally – laden. Is it a wonder they sometimes find it hard to get organised? Behaving badly under stress, as we all do, they can become chaotic.
Can you help them not get stressed in the first place? Try going along with their emotional state and providing some simple gentle structure for them. Try offering to watch their holiday video at lunchtime, but not right now.
When they’re chaotic, try sending meeting reminders. Instigate a colourful project management system. When they send you long disgruntled emails, respond to their emotional state as well as helping them solve the problem.
We love our labradors! Let’s help them be more effective.